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Leia Organa

So, I decided I wanted to start making characters from Star Wars using DAZ3D, in order to make them available for people to use online in their own renders and illustrations and whatnot. (I'm publishing these projects early, mainly because my main PC needs new CPU, so I can't finish them at the moment but they're all at a point where I can start showing them off in the ol' portfolio.)

Actual finished product with her original outfit.

Actual finished product with her original outfit.

Original experiments in DAZ trying to match the Battlefront II head model, and finally to the films themselves.

Original experiments in DAZ trying to match the Battlefront II head model, and finally to the films themselves.

Bespin Diplomat (WIP)

Bespin Diplomat (WIP)

Rebel Princess (WIP)

Rebel Princess (WIP)

Huttslayer (Outfit is sourced from Star Wars Kinect)

Huttslayer (Outfit is sourced from Star Wars Kinect)